The UZC Zoning System
Compatible with all HVAC systems with up to 4 stages of heat and two stages of cool.
4 stage heat and 2 stage cool
Automatic changeover from any zone
Fan control from any zone
Use virtually any four wire or multi-stage thermostat
Controls up to 20 zones
LED display for complete system readout
Fire alarm interlock feature
Fixed opposing mode timer
Integrated supply and return air sensor to protect the equipment
Adjustable timer for second, third, and fourth stage heat and cool operations
Adjustable fan purge timer
50% rule
Demand-based ventilation feature

The main panel is a 4 zone configuration and is expanded 2 zones at a time. EWC will package the UZC in a 6, 8, or 10 zone configuration. For larger systems consult the factory.
The UZC4 Universal Zone Control System allows you to easily upgrade an inefficient single zone HVAC system, into an Automated, Multi-zone, Energy saving, Comfort producing, Safety Minded, HVAC system. With Superior design, Intuitive firmware, Building Code Compliant support, Simple setup options, and Easy to understand wiring, the UZC4 Zoning system is the Designer/Contractors dream. Combined with Patented EWC motorized dampers and practically any Off-the-shelf Conventional or Heat Pump style Thermostats, EWC has set a New Industry Standard in Large Residential and Commercial HVAC Air Zoning Systems.
The main module controls four air zones using 24 vac motorized air dampers and may be expanded up to 20 zones, using ZXM2 Expansion Modules. The UZC4 will Control 2, 3 & 4 stage Conventional, GeoThermal or Dual Fuel Heat pumps, without the need for dual fuel kits. Also single or multi-stage Gas, Oil, & Hydronic HVAC systems, with single or two stage cooling and Constant or Variable speed fan systems. It is compatible with most off the shelf 1 or 2 stage Conventional Heat/Cool or Heat Pump Thermostats. All Mechanical, Digital/Electronic, Dual Mode, and Internet Compatible Thermostats that operate on 24vac. Battery powered or Power robbing thermostats that draw less than 20 ma of current are also accepted. Zone 1 will accept One Zone Mode, Carbon Dioxide Safety and Auxiliary/Dehumidify mode inputs.
The UZC4 Zone system features automatic changeover from any thermostat allowing for individual zone comfort from the HVAC system. The STATUS LED pulses as a steady heart beat to indicate active Microprocessor status. On board LED’s will illuminate to indicate system status, HVAC system mode, and active / inactive zone identification. See page 21 For details. Damper 1 thru Damper 20 LEDs will indicate which zone dampers are demanded to energize Open or Closed. All modules operate on 24vac power supplied from a separate transformer. A single 40va transformer can power up to 4 zones, with a total of 8 Genuine EWC ND or URD dampers directly connected.
The UZC has the ability to inhibit the second, third, and fourth stages of heating during mild outdoor temperatures. The UZC can also inhibit second, third, and fourth stages of heating if less than half of the total number of zones are activated.
The UZC4 has too many options and features to list here. Please view our tech bulletin for details.
Click here for the tech bulletin (Acrobat format, approx. 2.8 MB)
Submittal Sheet – Model UZC4
Note: The UZC3 has been superseded by the UZC4. If you still need a tech bulletin for the UZC3 please Click here (Acrobat format, approx. 5.4 MB)