Electronic vs mechanical bypass damper

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Electronic vs mechanical bypass damper

Post by Joylove »

What would be the reason to choose an electric modulating barometric damper, such as EBD over a mechanical type like CLBD?

Some potential Cons to the mechanical damper
+ noise of the mechanical damper activating?
+ losses as static pressure due to the mechanical damper needing to be held open?

Some potential Pros to the mechanical damper
+ It is a simplification
+ No need to budget for it on the 24VAC transformer

[Application is a dump zone in this case]
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Re: Electronic vs mechanical bypass damper

Post by Sandman »

I'm looking at adding a bypass dumper to a large dump zone (large living area) and would prefer to use a mechanical bypass damper if possible.

Do I still need a manual damper if using a mechanical bypass damper to a dump zone? Wouldn't the bypass damper attempt to regulate the static pressure at its set point (i.e. if it's set 0.4 WC, wouldn't the manual bypass relieve excess air volume once static pressure in the system reaches 0.4 WC in an attempt to maintain a static pressure of 0.4 WC)

The EWC mechanical bypass damper literature recommends using the smallest bypass damper possible when using the bypass damper from plenum to return. Is it still important to use the smallest bypass possible when planning for a dump zone? I would like to install the next size up bypass as a safety relief if the main zone damper motor fails (it happened to me once before).

What is the lowest static pressure the manual bypass damper can be set to? I'm looking at either CLBD 8 or 10".
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