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by rmussaw
Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:09 pm
Forum: Help and Advice
Topic: MA-ND3
Replies: 5
Views: 16495

Re: MA-ND3

I am located in Millersville, Pa 17551. I assume that you meant if I was to switch M4 and M6, the motor should move. If it does not move, then the motor is bad. Well, I tried that. I shut off the furnace, switched the M4 and M6 wire on the zone 2, turned the furnace back on, kicked up the thermostat ...
by rmussaw
Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:34 pm
Forum: Help and Advice
Topic: MA-ND3
Replies: 5
Views: 16495

Re: MA-ND3

Patrick, Thanks for the response. I did what you suggested and I never saw the damper motor for zone two move. I then went and shut off zone 1 thermostat and turned only zone 2 on and I still did not get any motion. These dampers are connected to a EWC ultrazone unit BMPlus 3000 unit. Is it possible ...
by rmussaw
Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:05 am
Forum: Help and Advice
Topic: MA-ND3
Replies: 5
Views: 16495


I have a 2 zone heating system. Just recently, the heating system is having trouble heating to the temperature on the thermostat setting for each of the zones. I have already had a technician come to the house to try and repair it, but he says the furnace is fine. I noticed this morning that one of ...